C.E.B.U. デブ











(Concular office of Japan)







  1. 私の戸籍謄本(原本1通)
  2. 私のパスポート(原本確認)
  3. 彼の出生証明書(Birth Certificate)






























アヤラセンターのNational book storeでコピーしました。




















Pre-Marriage Counseling Seminar (Part 1)



One of the basic requirements in applying for a Marriage License in the Philippines is to attend a friggin’ Pre-Marriage Counseling Seminar which at this point, to be honest with you I completely have no idea what the whole thing is about but I am assuming that it has something to do with Family Planning.


Looking at the country’s population growth between 1950 and 2018, it is quite evident that this whole Pre-Marriage Counseling Seminar is a complete load of crap.




Anyway, I’m here again to talk about my most recent experience trying to register for the said seminar. My partner and I found ourselves once again on our way to the Local Civil Registrar. We headed straight to the desk of the official who is responsible for, I don’t know, accepting the requirements for a Marriage License. Because what else can anyone do with a bunch of legal documents on their desk aside from accepting them?


The woman was in her late 50’s or at least that’s what she looked like. I asked her if there is any chance for us to skip the whole Pre-Marriage Counseling Seminar since my fiancee is Japanese and probably gives no flying fuck about what the speakers will have to say in the seminar because she won’t understand most of it anyway. Plus she’s 28 and I am 30, what else is left for us to learn about family planning?


“No” she said with a smile on her face but not the type of smile that you would give a customer to tell them that “No, sorry we can’t do anything about whatever it is you’re complaining about. Go fuck yourself”. It was the kind of an apologetic smile. The one that your grandmother would give you after telling you why you couldn’t have chocolate cake for dinner.


She then referred us to the people whose job is to accept registrations for the seminar. Good thing it was just in the next building, just a few meters away. I asked Linda, that’s her name, the same exact thing and she gave us the same answer. We didn’t have any choice but to attend the stupid thing. She gave us a form for us to fill out and she said that the next available schedule will be on September 14th.


“You gotta be fucking kidding” I said to myself. I begged her to please give us a much earlier schedule because were kind of in a rush to get things done explaining to her that we need to have all the necessary documents ready for my application for a Spouse Visa. Unfortunately for me though, Linda was an absolute cunt.


“Whose balls do I have to fondle around here to get us an earlier schedule?” God, I was desperate and was willing to do just about anything. She told me to talk to Eva. A woman who is also in her mid or late 50’s and missing a couple of teeth.


I waited for her for at least half an hour in front of her desk.


“Thank you sweet baby Jesus”


I uttered when she finally came into the office, waddling around because she’s a bit on the big side. Okay, maybe more than just a bit. Like she’s about to cross the border to “morbidly-obese-ville”.


I immediately got off my ass and spoke to her in my most boyishly charming way, explained our situation, asked for an earlier schedule and explained why we needed it. Good thing Eva was nice enough to consider unlike Linda who was an absolute cunt who kept on insisting that it should be on September 14th even after I explained to her why needed an earlier schedule.


A few minutes later, Eva told me that the earliest that she can give us is an August 21 schedule. I reluctantly accepted and gave her the form that Linda handed to us along with the proof of payment (100 pesos). She then put in our names in their record, got back to me and told me that we’ll be attending the seminar on August 14th.




We then gathered our stuff and thanked both Linda (cunt) and Eva on our way out.


The Pre-Marriage Counseling Seminar is the only thing that is left for us to accomplish to finally get our Marriage License.


I’ll tell you guys more about it.










































  1. 婚姻要件具備証明書(LCCM)の入手 *申請した翌営業日発行
  2. 結婚セミナーへ申込み *申込後1ヶ月後に参加 ←今この参加待ち
  3. 婚姻許可証(Marriage License)の入手 *申請後10営業日で発行
  4. 挙式
  5. 婚姻証明書(謄本)の入手 *申請後15営業日以内発行
  6. 日本で婚姻証明書を提出 ※3ヶ月以内に提出


Ⅱ.日本への報告手続き  必要書類

※ フィリピンの日本大使館で報告可能。



  1. 戸籍謄本(抄本)…2通
  2. フィリピン人の出生証明書及び日本語訳…各2通(1通コピー可)
  3. 婚姻証明書(謄本)及び日本語訳…各2通(1通コピー可)
  4. 日本人の婚姻要件具備証明書写し…1通
  5. 婚姻許可証及び婚姻許可申請書の写し…各1通
  6. 旅券(本人確認のため)
















































Requirements for a Marriage License in the Philippines for Japanese and Filipino couples (part 2).



Last Friday (July 13 2018) was, in my 30 years of experience, the worst day of my life. My partner and I headed to the barangay (pronounced bɑrɑnggɑi) hall in a small town in Cebu to get myself a Barangay Certificate, which is one of the requirements that I’ll get into in a bit. They asked me if I am a registered voter and without batting an eyelash, with no hesitation, I answered “No”. The secretary basically told me to get my ass out of their office and they won’t help me with anything.


Defeated and on the verge of crying, I walked out of the barangay hall with my head down while holding my partner’s hand. We then headed to the Cebu Local Civil Registrar to see if we could secure a couple of slots for the Pre-marriage Counseling Seminar (PRM) and unfortunately for us, well at least for me, I would need a Barangay Certificate to prove that I am a registered voter and a resident in the area. Frustrated and on the brink of giving up, I again walked out with my head down. Me taking the rest of the day off and probably pissing off some of my coworkers in the process were all for nothing.


The sweet cherry on top of that day though was my VISA to Japan not being approved. That day was so bad that the only way for it to go worse is if I got ran over by a truck and robbed afterwards. What a hell of a day it was.


Anyway, I’m here again to tell you how you can avoid going through all the crap that I’ve been to.


Here is a list of requirements for a Marriage License:



  1. Certified true copy of PSA Birth Certificate
  2. Certified true copy of CENOMAR
  3. Original Barangay Certificate
  4. Original Cedula
  5. Certificate of attendance to the PRM
  6. 1 valid ID (I’m sure that you and your partner already have one)
  7. Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract a Marriage (that’s already out of the way)


You’re going to need 3 photocopies of all the abovementioned documents.


In the previous entry, I mentioned that you might as well request for at least 3 copies of your and your partner’s CENOMAR when you requested for copies of your Birth Certificate. So I guess we won’t have to dwell on those two.


For the Barangay Certificate, you can simply go to the barangay hall of the barangay you’re “registered” in and make sure that you have a valid ID along with your partner’s valid ID. Speak to the Barangay Secretary directly. Let him or her know that you need a Barangay Certificate (NOT Barangay Clearance) to get married. Now he or she will ask you a question and it is crucial that you answer “Yes” with conviction.


“Are you a registered voter here?”


Look the person straight in the eye and say “Abso-fucking-lutely. Yes!”


Once you have convinced him or her that you are indeed a registered voter, he or she will hand you a piece of paper for you to write the following information on:

  • Your Name
  • Your parent’s name
  • Your address (make sure that the address that you provide is within the jurisdiction of their barangay)
  • Your partner’s name and address


It’s gonna be smooth sailing from there on out. All you have to do now is wait for him or her to finish typing in the information you provided into the Barangay Certificate template. He or she will print it out and forward it to the Barangay Chairman and have him sign it.


While waiting for the Barangay Certificate to be signed by the honorable chairman, might as well ask the Barangay Secretary for a CEDULA. This one is as easy as ABC. If they can’t provide you with one though, you can always head to the City Hall and get it from there. Trust me, it is easy.


Next step is to settle the corresponding fees with the Barangay Treasurer (20 Pesos for the Barangay Certificate. For the CEDULA however, it will depend on the monthly salary that you will disclose to them) and have the Barangay Certificate stamped with the official seal. Presto! You have gotten yourself a Barangay Certificate.


We are now down to the PRM which I mentioned earlier. Pre-marriage Counseling Seminar just in case you forgot. Head to your town’s Local Civil Registrar, tell them what you need and they’ll direct you to the people responsible for scheduling. Fill out the form that they will hand you, pay the fee (100 pesos) and there you have it. All you have to do now is attend the dreadful seminar, sit your ass down for 4 long, excruciating hours listening to someone talking about what being married is like (as if they’re the expert on marriage).
















<5月中頃 >

















結婚方式が2種類 …














  1. 婚姻届け*1
  2. 日本人の戸籍謄本
  3. 婚姻要件具備証明書(両人)
  4. 3の日本語の訳文*2
  5. フィリピン人の出生証明書と日本語の訳文
  6. パスポート(両人)
  7. 日本人の住民票




  1. 有効なパスポートとそのデータページのコピー(夫4枚 妻4枚)
  2. 婚姻届の記載事項証明書(原本+コピー4部)
  3. 配偶者が日本国籍の場合:戸籍謄本(婚姻事項が記載されているもの)(原本+コピー4部)
  4. 婚姻届の届出遅延供述書*3
  5. パスポート用サイズの証明写真(夫4枚 妻4枚)









Ⅰ の3の婚姻要件具備証明書にワナ




(=LCCM Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage)























































Requirements for a Marriage License in the Philippines for Japanese and Filipino couples.



I’ve always thought that getting married was as easy as, I don’t know, getting your cavity riddled teeth extracted from your filthy gums. It’s not as painful as you think it is and it is pretty quick. That’s probably not the best comparison but, like most people, I’ve always thought it was just like in the movies - you ask your lovely girlfriend to marry you, she says yes, get a solemnizing officer to officiate your marriage, you kiss each other in the mouth, be declared husband and wife, and viola! You’re married! Yey! Wedding bells are ringing. But the reality is far from that.


The truth is, it is an absolute pain in the ass. I actually lost count of the number of times that I considered walking into the Local Civil Registrar in Cebu with a .45 caliber pistol (that’s probably what I could afford at this point - illegally. You were probably imagining some sort of assault rifle in your head.) and just shoot the next government employee who would be stupid enough to get on my nerve. I even considered burning the whole place down to the ground and stand triumphantly on its ruins with my left foot on top of a pile of rubble, hands on my waist and with a grin on my face.


No wonder the number of marriages in the Philippines has been on a downward trend (https://psa.gov.ph/content/marriage-philippines-2016). Anyway, that’s not what this entry is going to be about. I wrote this to provide you with some valuable information so that you won’t have to go through the same frustrating, agonizing and costly process that I went through.


Here is a general overview of the procedures and requirements related to the marriage process:


  1.  Apply for and receive a Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract a Marriage
  2. Apply for and receive a Marriage License
  3. Legally Marry, sign the Marriage Contract and forward it to the Local Civil Registrar
  4. Submit a report of marriage form to the appropriate Japanese officials (either to the city hall of Japanese national’s pace of residence or the Embassy of Japan in the Philippines (Manila) or Consular Offices of Japan in Cebu and Davao.


Let’s talk about steps 1 and 2.


Apply for and receive a Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract a Marriage


First things first. “What will I need to get a Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract a Marriage?” You might ask. Well, thank sweet baby Jesus for here I am to tell you. For the Japanese National, he or she will need to provide the following:

    1. Japanese Family Register (Koseki Tohon) within 3 months from date of issue: I suggest that you ask your partner to request for at least 3 copies of this document.
    2. Original and valid Japanese passport: I’m sure this won’t be an issue if he or she is currently residing in the Philippines.
  •  Written consent to marry from the parents/legal guardian of the applicant if he or she is below 20 years old: If your partner is a little too young to buy himself or herself a bottle of booze, this is absolutely necessary.
  •  Certified true copy of the Removed Japanese Family Register (Joseki Tohon) and/or Japanese Family Register before revision (Kiaseigen Koseki) within 6 months from date of issue:

If future wifey or hubby was married at some point in his or her life and decided to call it quits with the ex, this will tell everything about it.


Now, for you my fellow Filipino. Here’s what you’re going to need.

  1. Certified true copy of Birth Certificate from PSA (formerly NSO) or from the Local Civil Registrar: This one is pretty much straightforward. Just head down to the nearest PSA regional office, fill out a form, show it to one of the employees walking around to have the information on your form validated, they will assign you a queue number, wait for your number to be called which takes forever by the way, pay and then they’ll ask you to come back after a few hours to pick it up.


Since you’re gonna be there, I suggest that you request for a copy of your and your partner’s CENOMAR as well. You’re gonna need additional copies down the line so make sure that you request for at least 3 copies of each document.


Once you and your partner have all the necessary documents, it is now time to go the Japanese Embassy or Japanese Consular office. Head to the nearest window, press the button to buzz one of the officers, let your Japanese partner talk to the officer and he or she will hand you an application form for him or her to fill out. Submit the accomplished form along with your Birth Certificate, his or her Koseki Tohon and his or her passport. Finally! You’re done and you can now get married.




You just finished securing the first requirement. Let’s move on to the more grueling part (sigh) which we’ll discuss in the second part of this article.